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About Pangot

Pangot is at 6300 feet, from sea level, and is an all natural hill station, 13kms from Nainital. Pangot is the most easily reachable offbeat destination, from Delhi NCR. Place offers you a great location for camping or a relaxed holiday, in Camp, Resort or Hotel. Drive from foothills to Pangot is lush green surrounded by forest. Kilbury road offers view of snow peaked Himalayas on one side and Naina Devi Bird Reserve on the other. 

Being a Part of upper reaches of Corbett, Pangot is surrounded with dense forest of Oak, Rhododendron and Pine which is a habitat of various flora and fauna. Wildlife can be easily spotted here.

Some of the easy to find mammals in Pangot

Sambar, Barking deer, Wild Boar, Himalayan Black Bear, Stoat, mountain weasel, Himalayan goral, Red Fox and more. And if you are lucky than you can even spot a Leopard. 

Pangot is famous among birding enthusiasts as around 200 species of birds can be seen out here. Village also comes under Naina Devi Himalayan Bird Conservation Reserve since March 2007, which is spread in 11,191 hectares alongside Nainital Kunjakharak Road.

Some of the birds found in Pangot

Lammergeier, Himalayan Griffon, Rufous-bellied Woodpecker, Blue-winged Minla, Rufous-bellied Niltava, Hill Partridge, Khalij, Cheer & Koklass Pheasant

Things To Do in Pangot

Adventure Activities (Rappelling, Burma Bridge, Flying Fox, Double Rope and more), Waterfall Trek, Birding, Trek to China Peak, Trek to Brhamsthali, Kilbury Trek, Village Walk, Sunset Point Trek

Distance of Pangot from other cities

Nainital to Pangot / Pangot to Nainital : 15 Kms 
Delhi to Pangot / Pangot to Delhi : 300 Kms
Noida to Pangot / Pangot to Noida : 280 Kms
Ghaziabad to Pangot / Ghaziabad to Pangot : 265 Kms
Gurgaon to Pangot / Pangot to Gurgaon : 330 Kms

We have 3 properties in Pangot, Hidden Valley Camp, Hidden Valley Resort and Wildcat Cottages offering you best luxury hotel in Pangot and camping in Nainital. At out Pangot Cottages and Nainital Camp, you will find a great view from all Rooms and If you are looking for Pangot Adventure Activities in Nainital, we have lot to offer. You may also opt for Birding, Day Treks, Jungle Stay, Paragliding and more. We offer Wooden Cottages and Swiss Tents. Pangot is a great place for Camping with Bonfire and Music. Book and enjoy Pangot Resort or Camping near Nainital. 

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